
FAQ Hero
Trust & PKI

What is PKI as
a service?

What is PKI as a service?

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a service, or PKI as-a-Service (PKIaaS) delivers managed PKI services via a cloud platform to provide streamlined and automated certificate lifecycle management.

PKIaaS can be hosted from a PKI service provider such as ¶ºÒõ¹Ý, a large enterprise’s private cloud, or a public cloud such as Microsoft Azure.

By leveraging PKIaaS, organizations can eliminate the burden of managing a data center and hardware security (HSM) for key storage.

PKIaaS is one of many deployment models for PKI. There are also other options for organizations with complex requirements. ¶ºÒõ¹Ý ONE, a PKI solution with flexible deployment options, provides on-premises, in-country or in-region deployment.

With a flexible PKI deployment model, organizations can select the option that best fits their requirements.