With + QuoVadis Qualified PSD2 certificates, you benefit from local expertise, service and support—all backed by the world’s most trusted provider of high assurance TLS/SSL certificates.
+ QuoVadis is a member of PRETA’s Open Banking Europe directory initiative for PSD2.
QWAC validate your identity and role as a Payment Service Provider to your customers and other business, while encrypting and authenticating sensitive data.
QsealC “seal” app data, sensitive documents and other communications to ensure they are tamperproof and originate from a trustworthy source.
Qualified TSP & eIDAS-compliant certificates
European CA— your identity and vetting data stays in the EU.
Trusted by over 70% of Europe’s largest banks and PSPs.
Powered by the world’s most trusted CA.
Digicert Ireland Ltd.
Block 21, 12 Beckett Way,
Park West Business Park,
Dublin, D12 C9YE
7th Floor, Exchange Tower
2 Harbour Exchange Square
London, E14 9GE
Phone (UK): +44 (0) 333 666 2000
56 Noord 3436 ZZ
Nieuwegein The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0) 30 232 43 20
Schaliënhoevedreef 20T 2800
Mechelen Belgium
Phone: +32 (0) 15 79 46 15
GmbH Ismaninger Str. 52 D-81675
München Germany
Phone: +49 89 452 4585 0
17 Postfach 9001
St. Gallen Switzerland
Phone: +41 71 272 60 60