Barracuda SSL Certificate Installation
If you have not yet created a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and ordered your certificate, see
SSL CSR Creation for a Barracuda Spam Firewall.
Installing your Barracuda SSL Certificate
A pre-built .pem file should have been emailed to you when your certificate was issued. If you did not receive that file, you can download it inside your account by logging in, clicking the order number in the "My Orders" tab, and choosing the link to download "ALL CERTIFICATES (Zip File)."
If you are unable to locate that file, please refer to our instructions for creating an SSL certificate .pem file before proceeding.
Login to your Barracuda Spam Firewall. Go to the "Advanced" tab and then the "Secure Administration" or "SSL" page where you originally got your CSR file. There should be an "Upload Signed Certificate" button which you can use to upload the your_domain_name.pem file.
To begin using the certificate you've uploaded, select Trusted (Signed by a trusted CA) as the Certificate Type after uploading the certificate, and click Save Changes. You may need to restart web services on your Barracuda for the new certificate to take effect.
More information about .
Please note - Some of our customers have reported difficulty installing a wildcard certificate to Barracuda Spam Firewalls. This isn't a problem specific to ¶ºÒõ¹Ý wildcards. We hear that the barracuda will only issue a CSR for the name you give it, so if you want a wildcard certificate you have to name your barracuda * and that may not work with clustering. If you have a wildcard certificate, please call us, as we have a workaround. More information about can be found from Barracuda Networks.
Also - The Barracuda will expect to receive a certificate that EXACTLY matches all fields in the CSR it previously created. This detail can be a source of confusion and frustration if you're unaware of it. ¶ºÒõ¹Ý can only issue your SSL Certificate according to what we are able to verify about your company. For example if you request a certificate with "O=TheCompany" and your company name is really "O=TheCompany, Inc." then we have to issue your certificate with "O=TheCompany, Inc." and importing that certificate will fail. In cases where the CSR and the issued certificate do not exactly match, you can adjust the details in the Barracuda to exactly match your certificate and then download a new CSR from the barracuda and use the new CSR to reissue your certificate by logging into your ¶ºÒõ¹Ý account, clicking on Web-PKI manager, then re-issue your certificate.
Installing an SSL Certificate to your Barracuda Spam Firewall
How to install your SSL Digital Certificate on a Barracuda Spam Firewall.