PKI 12-21-2020

25 Security Blogs and PKI Experts You Need to Follow Today

As it stands, the global cybersecurity market is worth $173B and predicted to grow to . It's fair to say, then, the sector is expanding quickly, with security and public key infrastructure (PKI) becoming an increasing priority for organizations as everyone adapts to a remote post-COVID-19 world.

But with constant updates and dramatic news headlines, it can be hard to stay on top of the latest insights.

So to get the inside track, we've compiled a list of the top 25 blogs and experts, in no particular order, in the security and PKI space that will get your questions answered:

  1. The IACR is a non-profit, scientific organization with a view to advance research in the cryptography field. is full of news, events and publications, and there's also an option to become a member for added insights.

  2. is home to the security bloggers network (SBN), which is over 400 blogs strong. It promotes content from leading bloggers in the security space, and a quick search will provide you with a number of PKI-related discussions.

  3. InfoSec News is a long-running and well-respected source of cybersecurity news, and the cryptography section of features hand-curated news and a steady stream of helpful content.

  4. is run by Byron Acohido, a Pulitzer-winning journalist and respected cybersecurity influencer. It heavily features his take on PKI's expanding role in digital transformation.

  5. Considered a leading in the industry, Dark Reading offers a broad range of cybersecurity topics, from analytics and application security to mobile and cloud security. It's regularly updated, so you'll never fall out of the loop.

  6. Brian Honan writes plenty of timely, news-related cybersecurity updates and roundups on his . It’s perfect for keeping up with today’s rapidly changing security landscape.

  7. A self-professed security junkie, is an infosec contributing editor at tech giants IBM Security and Tripwire. His Twitter account is full of regular industry updates.

  8. Bob Carver has been named one of the top five Cybersecurity experts on and one of the top 10 on . Awards Magazine named him one of the Top 100 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers to follow, so he’s not one to miss.

  9. Matthew Green, a professor and cryptographer at John Hopkins University, runs in which, among other resources, he highlights an “attack of the week” to analyze how systems fare against sophisticated hackers.

  10. Brian Krebs is a former Washington Post reporter and started with the view to investigate cybersecurity trends and news.

  11. offers readers a daily digest of breaking global IT security news stories. It's a good option for those with limited knowledge on a subject, as it makes technical topics very digestible.

  12. on The Guardian's website offers readers access to breaking news and updates in the field.

  13. provides a wealth of IoT information on her website, including news articles, how-to blog posts and a long list of interesting podcasts on the IoT. You can also find her bitesize IoT content on Twitter.

  14. An online magazine specializing in security and technology content, is geared towards typical cybersecurity business challenges and how to solve them.

  15. With a quick search through the topics in , you'll find plenty of relevant cryptography, PKI and security blog articles.

  16. A professor in the at Royal Holloway, University of London, Martin blogs regularly on his areas of expertise, which include real-world cryptography and applications.

  17. One of the world's most influential research labs, you'll find a host of cryptography articles from a large community of experts .

  18. A well-renowned industry expert, Cluley’s blog showcases his work as a writer, speaker and podcaster on the topic of cybersecurity. Cluley also has a podcast called “” with Carole Theriault and several special guests.

  19. features a nice mix of articles, podcasts and videos on the topic of security from all angles.

  20. you'll find the latest research on security and encryption methods, featuring analysis on the newest ways to protect sensitive data.

  21. For everything IoT related, give Rob van Kranenburg a follow. As the founder of the and one of the top thought leaders in the IoT, his news updates are well worth reading.

  22. Miessler is yet another cybersecurity expert. includes both articles and a weekly podcast that explores the intersection of security, technology and its role within society.

  23. Featuring an in-depth analysis of cybersecurity trends, focuses on data breaches, cyber-attacks, vulnerabilities and malware.

  24. Written by researchers from the security group at The University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, caters to all cryptographers and PKI advocates.

  25. posts news on cybersecurity that intersects with all aspects of business, commerce, politics and everyday life. In 2017, Security Ledger was voted a . Follow their site for breaking-news of security-related issues.

Expand your security knowledge

When it comes to security and PKI news, there's a wealth of rich information out there. You just need to know the right places to look. If you check out these news sites, blogs and podcasts regularly, you'll be sure to keep your finger on the pulse.

Of course, we did leave one rather big blog out of this list: our own.

As a leader in modernizing the TLS certificate and PKI space, offers a range of timely and interesting content. Our products and experts are responsible for securing some of the biggest businesses out there, including the majority of Fortune 100 organizations, so you know you can trust our insights.

So stay tuned! We'll see you in our next blog.

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